Updated as of 6/6/2024 |
30-Apr |
Age cut-off (birthday) |
# of weekly games* | 2 |
# of innings per game | 6 |
Game start time | 6:15 or 6:30PM |
Game time limit | 2 hrs., start last inning before 8:15pm (8:30pm) & finish, max. end time 8:45pm (9pm) |
Run limit per inning | 7 runs/inning, unlimited last inning |
Mercy rule | 15 runs after 4 completed innings and 10 runs after 5 completed innings. Teams can continue to play but the game is officially over if one of the 2 above happens. The umpire can choose to stay but is not required to stay after the game is Officially over. |
If a regulation game is terminated early due to weather: | A complete game is when 3.5 innings have been played (3 outs) and the home team is winning. If after a completed top of 4th is played and the away team is winning, then it is NOT a complete game because the Home team did not receive their last at bat. Furthermore the Home team needs to complete their last at bat (3 outs) for a complete game when losing. Unless, coaches agree on a game being complete AFTER 3.5 innings have been played due to a blowout. A incomplete game needs to be continued where the play stops (outs, runners, pitch counts) to the best of the 2 teams ability. |
| Moreover, teams can only use pitchers that were active for the original date the game was played. This includes the pitch counts. EXAMPLE: Little Bobby was ineligible to play on Tuesdays game due to pitching on Monday. Tuesdays game needs to be continued due to lightning. They reschedule the game for Saturday AM, Little Bobby still cannot pitch. |
End-of-season playoffs** | Yes |
Fence distance | No restrictions |
Pitching mound distance (raised or flat) | 50' |
Base distance | 70' |
Game balls | 9 in./5 oz., 2 provided by home team |
Preferred number of Umpires per game | 1 umpire (certified) |
Minimum number of players to start game | 8 |
Mandatory play time | 6 defensive outs (does not need to be consecutive) |
Call-ups permitted | From same age division or one level down |
Metal spikes allowed | No |
Non-permitted attire by pitcher | No white sleeves, sunglasses (Non-Reflective ONLY ), batting glove under mitt, jewelry |
Pitching restrictions (pitch count) | Pitches/Days (24 hours) Rest |
1-25 = 0 |
26-40 = 1 |
41-50 = 2 |
51-65 = 3 |
66-80 = 4 (Max but can finish batter) |
Pitcher re-entry as pitcher | Yes, as long as they are not taken from the game completely. Pitch Count will continue with re-entry. |
Pitches permitted | Fastball & change-up |
Pitcher warm-up by coach | Yes |
Intentional walk | Advance runner, don't pitch |
Balk | Yes (1st balk is a warning) |
Hit batter limit | Replace pitcher on 3rd hit batter |
Visits to mound | 1/inning, pitcher must be replaced on 2nd visit in same inning |
Catchers - # of defensive innings | Unlimited |
Catchers required equipment | Catcher's mitt, cup, chest protector, helmet (throat guard optional) |
Catchers permitted to pitch | Yes |
Catchers pitching restrictions | None |
# of outfielders | 3 |
Bat restrictions | Max. 2 3/4" diameter w/"official" baseball marking |
Continuous batting order | Yes |
On-deck batter | Permitted inside fence on side of batter or per field rules (donuts ok) |
Lead offs | Yes |
Steals/advancements limit (not on a play) | Unlimited |
Dropped 3rd strike | Yes |
Head-first sliding | No (dive-back permitted) |
Courtesy runner | Use last out to run for pitcher/catcher when there are two outs |
Infield fly rule | Yes |
Additional notes: | |
· OHSAA rules apply if not specified by above | |
· Umpires are to be scheduled/paid for by the home team |
· Recreational teams will play a minimum of 12 games in a regular season, plus playoffs |